Question about crafttweaker and disabling recipes
Exzept1on opened this issue ยท 4 comments
I wanted to find out if there is any universal command to remove all recipes from any multiblock. For example, I want to delete all recipes from MetallPress. Or some other way to do it quickly.
Version 1.12.2
If there is, you find it in the official Craftweaker documentation.
Support for 1.12.2 was stopped 10 months ago.
There's nothing there. So I asked you if there might be any workarounds.
There is a removeAll
function. If it's not in Craftweaker docs, then I guess noone bothered to add it.
There is a
function. If it's not in Craftweaker docs, then I guess noone bothered to add it.
Okay, I get it. In a nutshell, how it works. For example if I want to delete all recipes from MetallPress