Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


[1.17 | #31] Crusher Comparator Output Always Either 0 or 1

DeadlySwede opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Description of the issue:

Tried hooking up a redstone probe to redstone port on a crusher and monitoring the process queue size. If there is nothing in crusher, output is 0 as expected. If anything is in the crusher, the output is 1 regardless of how much is in the queue. Put 192 pieces of cobble (3 stacks) into the crusher and output stayed at 1. Looking at the code, I would expect a redstone output of 2 with an input of 147 items ... floor(14 * (147/2048)) + 1 = 2.

Using a vanilla comparator on the redstone port did the same thing as the redstone probe.



Versions & Modlist

Minecraft 1.17.1
Forge 37.0.73
Immersive Engineering 1.17.1-5.0.2-pre.200 (Build 31)
Journeymap 5.7.3rc3
Just Enough Items


Just confirmed that process queues are in stacks so it would take 147 stacks of items to generate anything over an output of 1. Not sure if I want to try setting that up to check it out. :-)