Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


[minor][1.17.1 | #56] Shift clicking items into the Engineer's Workbench inventory does not seek for existing stacks of the same item first like vanilla inventories do

MalkContent opened this issue ยท 0 comments


In vanilla inventories shift clicking an item stack into an inventory (i.e. a chest) it seeks for existing item stacks it can stack with and adds to that one before looking for the first empty slot. This might sound nitpicky, but there's only 6 slots in the Engineer's Workbench when it's got a blueprint in it and then suddenly you don't take up just one slot of those with copper ingots, but two, because it doesn't seek first. Okay, it doesn't just sound nitpicky, it is. But I'll do this one myself, so hey :D