Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


[1.18.1 | #7] [Minor] Engineer's Hammer enchantability consistency

MalkContent opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Engineer's Hammers are enchantable with the enchanting table, but not with the anvil, which seems inconsistent and unwanted.

iirc them being enchantable was deliberate in order to allow them to compete with Pickaxe mining speed when mining Scaffolding (which they currently can't do, which might be deliberate) by allowing them to get Efficiency


The same problem exists with Engineer's Wire Cutters, as of version 1.19.2-9.2.2-16 / 1.19.4-9.4.0-166.

Also, sawblades aren't enchantable at all, but I think they used to be? (in reference to #4115)