Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


question about the industrial squeezer and fermenter

ytrugibrejhnklhath opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I was playing Sevtech ages the other day and I realized that the squeezer and fermenter from immersive engineering have a slot at the bottom left of their gui and I was wondering if it had a purpose, because if it was some speed modifier that goes in there it would save me making two more machines to automate enough biodiesel for 3 engines

2022-01-15_19 00 17
it is the slot above the buckets and the iron casing


No, Immersive Engineering doesn't have speed upgrades or that sort of thing (aside from the upgrades on tools). That's an item output slot used in certain recipes. It's used for the HOP Graphite Ingot recipe, for graphite electrodes - doesn't seem to be any default fermenter recipes, but that could be added by datapack.

To increase speed, the intended method is building more machines.


No, Immersive Engineering doesn't have speed upgrades or that sort of thing (aside from the upgrades on tools). That's an item output slot used in certain recipes. It's used for the HOP Graphite Ingot recipe, for graphite electrodes - doesn't seem to be any default fermenter recipes, but that could be added by datapack.

To increase speed, the intended method is building more machines.

thx for responding so fast, I'm just very unfamiliar w this mod and had no idea what its purpose was


Yep, what Spen said!