Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


ImmersiveEngineering-1.18.1-7.1.0-145 - StackOverflow CRASH

Marc-Harony opened this issue · 7 comments


Hi !
My server crashed and the error was "StackOverflow" (ono ;-;)
I have several issues with pumps and liquids as when the chunk is unloaded and then reloaded, the biodiesel is not pumped anymore in the biodiesel generators. And for an unknown reason, the server just decided to crash. Here's a pastebin link for the crash report.

Hope this'll help.

Thank you :)

Oh and here's a list of the mods I'm running server-side:

Appleskin 2.2.0
balm 2.3.1
Clumps 8.0.4
corpse 1.0.0
create 0.4_c
create additions 20220111b
cyclic 1.6.9
DungeonCrawl 2.3.5
flywheel 0.5.1
Health Overlay 6.0.0
ImmersiveEngineering 7.1.0-145 (currently the latest version)
Terralith 2.0.5
the one probe 5.0.1
time in a bottle standalone 2.1.0
waystones 9.0.1


Hi, thanks for your fast reply.

I’ve sent the correct crash-report. “StackOverflow” was prompted in the miecraft’s screen when the server crashed. It’s a very annoying problem as I seems to appear at random times.
According to the report, is this a problem from Immersive or from another mod ? I assume that I really don’t understand anything in the crash reports ^-^
I’m trying to get my server crash again to send you what I mean by : “ “StackOverflow” was prompted in the miecraft’s screen when the server crashed “.

However, did you clearly understand the bug I’ve added to the issue report ? (the biodiesel not pumped into the generators) Do I have to submit another issue ?



I'll take a look at the crash you posted, it doesn't mention a stack overflow though? Did you upload the wrong crash report?


i don't know stuff about the fluid handling of forge but it kinda looks like there seems to either be a bug in the fluid stack handler of forge or IE is not respecting the "fluidSTACK" being already empty and trying to pull fluid from it and this results in an logical "overflow" ... maybe some funky naming in the error description :D (very funny from a programmers perspective)


So i should report this issue to forge, or try to update forge to the latest version ?


let the devs decide, i just was giving my opinion based on the report and what i could see in the repo, since it looks kinda right


Hi, I still have the same problem. Any news from the modder ?
Btw here's the error prompt client-side :


If this issue persists on the most recent release of IE, please open a new issue with a detailed report.