Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


[1.18.2] Crafting grit with the hammer works only once, then the recipe becomes disabled.

MonaMoonlight opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Description of the issue:
Crafting a single grit, or attempting to craft multiple grits from raw ore or ore blocks with the hammer results in getting one grit, and then the recipe no longer works after the crafting action, until the save is reloaded.

I first noticed the issue while playing with other mods (listed below), but testing with just Forge and IE revealed the issue still happened with them disabled.

Before crafting: image
After crafting: image
Showing the same thing happening with raw gold ore: image
Showing the same thing happening with an iron ore block, after disabling the other mods: image
Same thing with a gold ore block: image

Before attempting to craft a stack of silver grit from raw ore all in one go: image

After: image

Versions & Modlist:
Forge - 1.18.2-forge-40.1.0
IE - 1.18.2-8.0.1-147
Farmer's Delight - 1.18.2-1.0.4
JEI - 1.18.2-
ProjectE - 1.18.2-PE1.0.1


And I'm pretty sure I know why that happens:

This line should be copying the ItemStack, because vanilla does just use it from there on without another copy. So as it gets decremented in the slot, it gets decremented in the recipe, thus "using it up".


This is also resulting in duplication issues when interacting with Tom's Simple Storage, Tinker's Construct Crafting Workbench, and Refined Storage. Rapid clicking (before the recipe gets disabled) gives exponentially increasing numbers until a full stack.