Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


Problems with local server host

Illuxel opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Minecraft Version


Immersive Engineering Version


Expected Behavior

Mod won't start with localhost server. Error code: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: readerIndex(5).

Actual Behavior

I tried to delete all mods and setuped just immersive. We tested this mod with my friend and every time

Steps to reproduce

  1. Download the mod;
  2. Start local server;
  3. Invite friend.

Debug Crash Log

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: readerIndex(5)


Please add the full crashlog file using pastebin, this singular line helps nobody


As mindforger already said (though mind, seriously, we can moderate our own issue tracker, thanks):

Provide a full log. It literally says so in the issue template, you completely ignored it.


The bug template tells you how to make and to make a debug crash log. A crash issue template tells me to get a crash log that does not exist for the issue. A natural categorization for this occurrence is a crash imo. Not to mention this is not my issue so i never saw the templates.
Debug crash.
I get the index out of bounds sometimes directly on world join sometimes after multiple 10 of minutes of play sometimes 3 times in a couple minutes.

The ops force crash would have been more useful given that he tried it with just your mod if i understand it correctly. I'm playing with a significant amount.


Have same problem. issue is the logs really don't have anything much at all. Host side its completely empty:

[23:22:43] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] Local game hosted on port 49952
[23:22:43] [Sound engine/ERROR]: Creating buffer: Invalid parameter parameter value.
[23:22:52] [User Authenticator #1/INFO]: UUID of player Wispyrose is xxx
[23:22:56] [Server thread/INFO]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@33add052
[23:22:56] [Server thread/INFO]: Wispyrose[/[xxx]:58667] logged in with entity id 779 at (-1171.8033293580868, 68.0, -238.69999998807907)
[23:22:56] [Server thread/INFO]: Wispyrose joined the game
[23:22:56] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] Wispyrose joined the game
[23:22:57] [Server thread/INFO]: Syncing config to Wispyrose (xxx)
[23:23:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Wispyrose lost connection: Disconnected
[23:23:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Wispyrose left the game
[23:23:01] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] Wispyrose left the game

and then joining side

[13:03:43] [Render thread/WARN]: java.lang.Throwable: Can't get entityTexture for translation{key='entity.minecraft.creeper', args=[]}
[13:03:47] [Netty Client IO #3/ERROR]: Received empty payload on channel immersiveengineering:main
[13:05:40] [Netty Client IO #3/WARN]: Packet not registered: ClientboundDisconnectPacket
[13:05:40] [Render thread/INFO]: JEI StartEventObserver received class net.minecraftforge.client.event.ClientPlayerNetworkEvent$LoggingOut
[13:05:40] [Render thread/INFO]: JEI StartEventObserver transitioning state from JEI_STARTED to DISABLED
[13:05:40] [Render thread/INFO]: Stopping JEI
[13:05:40] [Render thread/INFO]: Removed all colony views
[13:05:40] [Render thread/INFO]: Mapping halted in: xxxx
[13:05:42] [Render thread/WARN]: Client logged off. Resetting Pack Meta and Reloading State


I mean, if you're not gonna give me a crash log, I might as well close this.

I'll happily reopen the issue once full log files have been provided.


there is no crash log unless the crash folder is supposed to be in a different folder from this. the snippets i sent are from latest logs. i don;t know if i can send the entire thing as there are idenfiable infos there that i'd have to go through hundreds of spam lines to remove


And the issue template literally tells you to generate a debug crash log.


This was literally opened with the bug template.
And then that template was fully ignored.

And I am talking to the OP most of all. I want their friggin log, since they reported the issue. But thank you for your contribution.