Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


Incompatibility with Quark 3.4-386

Gronglegrowth opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Minecraft Version


Immersive Engineering Version


Expected Behavior

If I craft an engineer's hammer with raw iron ore, I should get IE iron grit regardless of whether Quark is present. Likewise for every dust type.

Actual Behavior

When I craft an engineer's hammer with raw iron ore (or any other), I receive a minecraft barrier renamed to "Empty tag: forge:dusts/iron" (or other tag for the dust I wish to craft). However, the tag isn't actually empty. Somehow Quark is breaking these recipe outputs

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install IE and Quark
  2. Attempt to craft a metal dust
  3. Receive an empty tag barrier instead

Debug Crash Log


Additional clarification: This happens only if Quark's datapack is loaded before IE's, so there is a way to manually fix it by reordering the packs in a world


This is on Quark's end, they query recipe outputs too early (before tags are available):