Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


[Bug] Electrodes can be re-inserted into Engineer's Workbench output slot and are lost if interface is closed.

QuickBASIC opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Minecraft Version


Immersive Engineering Version


Expected Behavior

Should not be able to insert items back into the output slot or output slot should retain stack count of re-inserted items.

Actual Behavior

Shift-clicking electrodes from inventory (only when HOP Graphite Ingots are in the Workbench inventory) inserts them into the output slot of the workbench showing a stack of 2 or more. Closing the interface loses the item as the output slot goes back to a stack of one the next time you open the interface.


Steps to reproduce

Place Arc Furnace Electrode blueprint, HOP Graphite Ingots into Engineer's workbench, have an Electrode in inventory.

Shift-click electrode from inventory, it will be added to the output slot (shows a stack of 2), close interface and re-open interface, second electrode is gone (output slot no longer has stack of 2).

Debug Crash Log

EDIT: Wrong screenshot.