Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


Client crashes rendering IE workbench with a common projectile blueprint

MazerD opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Minecraft Version


Immersive Engineering Version


How did it happen?

Placed an Engineer's Workbench (the one that you use blueprints / customize the revolver etc on), used it to attach a bayonet and extended magazine to my revolver with no issue. Went to make some ammunition, crafted a common projectile blueprint but when I tried to place it in the workbench my client immediately crashed with the attached log. Server kept running fine but when my friend walked over near the bench they also crashed, we both get the same crash now when trying to log in.

Crash Log


Ah sorry, I think this is the "Fix crash with the Engineer's Workbench when VBOs are disabled (Malte)" from 9.2.1-164 it goes away when I turn VBO back on (had it off for shaders). Can't find the commit to link but closing this.