1.19.3 crusher Sometimes only produces 1 grit, and sometimes never produces anything despite accepting ore
VaruunKaruk opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Minecraft Version
Immersive Engineering Version
Expected Behavior
Immersive engineering crusher should consistantly produce 2 grits per ore deposited,sometimes giving a different material than what was output, while still giving the original ore grit, i.e 1 iron ore -> 2 iron grit, or 1 iron ore -> 1 iron grit, 1 nickel grit.
Actual Behavior
occasionally, the crusher will only provide 1 grit per ore.
Steps to reproduce
created a crusher, powered by 5 thermoelectric generators, using high voltage wire. then dropped iron ore into the hopper
Debug Crash Log
When you say "ore", do you mean the ore block or the "raw iron" that drops from the ore block? Ore blocks (should) always produce 2 grit, but the raw ore usually produces 1 grit with a 33% chance of producing 2.
Is the second part of the issue title ("sometimes never produces anything despite accepting ore") in the same setup? That part definitely sounds broken.