Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


inconsistent railgun hud and actual fired projectile.

Randomguypii opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Minecraft Version


Immersive Engineering Version


Expected Behavior

using a railgun to shoot a trident with steel rods in inventory.
set railgun to fire trident
fire trident (with loyalty)
railgun visibly switches to steel rods
trident returns due to loyalty
shooting railgun again shoots steel rods and has to be switched back to tridents, as indicated by the hud.

Actual Behavior

actual behaviour
set railgun to fire trident
fire trident (with loyalty)
railgun visibly switches to steel rods
trident returns due to loyalty
shooting railgun again shoots trident again, and switching ammo types (visually) goes steel rod -> steel rod -> trident -> proceeds as expected. Seems to be a visual bug.
Shooting the railgun before the trident returns causes it to switch to shooting steel rods properly.
visually shows steel rods loaded
but trident is fired instead

after some further testing, the issue appears to also occur with sawblades and a single graphite electrode (I did not test further) and presumably related to firing the last of a railgun ammo while having another in your inventory then picking it back up.

Steps to reproduce

  1. obtain a railgun, a trident, and an alternate ammo for the railgun. Loyalty is optional on the trident, as in my testing picking the trident up off the ground had the same effect, but is convenient for less walking. You must be in survival mode because in creative mode the trident gets destroyed when picked up as a projectile off the ground (this is a vanilla feature, I believe because in vanilla creative mode the trident is not consumed when thrown.)
  2. set the railgun to have the trident loaded, then fire the trident. The railgun hud will now show the other ammo you have loaded in,
  3. wait for the trident to return to your inventory, or just pick it up off the ground if you don't have loyalty on it. The railgun hud will show steel rods loaded, but if fired at this point will shoot the trident again instead.
  4. you may need to repeat steps 2-3 a few times for the bug to show up. in my testing, the railgun correctly switches back to showing the trident as loaded the first time the trident returns to the player, but then has the visual bug on subsequent repetitions.

to reproduce with sawblades, use a sawblade instead of a trident. To reproduce with an electrode, use a single graphite electrode instead of a trident.

Debug Crash Log