Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


[bug] murder with a revolver in the region (worldguard)

VioSoCo opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Minecraft Version


Immersive Engineering Version


Expected Behavior

Bullets from a revolver do not interact in any way on the player in the region (worldguard).

Actual Behavior

You can shoot in the region (worldguard) with incendiary bullets that set fire and, when hit by a player, set it on fire.

Steps to reproduce

When you shoot a revolver at a person in a region (worldguard) in which PVP is enabled, these bullets (incendiary) burn a person, thereby causing damage to him.
Meta information: immersiveengineering:revolver, immersiveengineering:flare.

Debug Crash Log



Worldguard is a Bukkit plugin, if I'm not mistaken. We don't support Bukkit.