Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


Unable to build silos/tanks

Zigster191 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Minecraft Version


Immersive Engineering Version


Expected Behavior

Should be able to build a silo, but I can't. I've also tried previous version of Immersive Engineering for 1.20.1 MC without success. I am running Better Minecraft v26 with pam's harvestcraft, boiledegg, mobcatcher, and travelersbackpack client side and grieflogger, clearlag, and letmedespawn server side.


Actual Behavior

Unable to build silo or water tanks. No game crashes.

Steps to reproduce

Unable to build silo

Debug Crash Log


I tried and I couldn't. I switched to singleplayer with all the mods enabled and it worked so it must be something to do with server mods. I guess I'll get to testing.


Can you reproduce this in an instance with just IE installed and no other mods?


My first instinct is always to take of any shader mods such as rubdium or optifine, we've seen those be the cause of issues plenty before.
Beyond that, binary search is your best friend, removing half the mod list and seeing if the issue persists, but even with it being low complexity, it's still a lot of work to do on a server ^^"