Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


Unable to Craft any Accumulators

CTCrafter3 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Minecraft Version


Immersive Engineering Version


Expected Behavior

I am trying to craft an Accumulator/capacitor to progress with the mod. I am using the Mod within Valhelsia 6

Actual Behavior

I put the required ingredients into the crafting table, but it does not show up, I've seen the accumulator show up for a split second, but it disappears before I can craft it

Steps to reproduce

  1. I tried to input the materials manually into the crafting table it didn't work.
  2. I tried to use JEI to input the items for me into the crafting table. Still didn't work.
  3. I tried using the Engineer's crafting table. Still didn't work there

Accumulator Screenshot

Here's an image showing the materials in the crafting table, but nothing's showing up.

Debug Crash Log


Accumulators need a bucket of Redstone Acid in the middle, you're missing that. It's crafted with 4 redstone + water bucket.


I tried to use JEI to input the items for me into the crafting table. Still didn't work.

JEI and the Recipe Book should have brought up the mention of the Redstone Acid, so that is a bit odd. UNLESS Valhelsia 6 changed the recipes, then this isn't an issue :)


Yeah I'm closing this because it's likely not an issue on our end.