Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


Incorrect Labeling of Redstone Timer Output Signal

IacobusBarbatus opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Minecraft Version


Immersive Engineering Version


Expected Behavior

When hovering over Redstone Timer with Engineer's Screwdriver in main hand, the text related to the Redstone Timer should list the pulse interval and the Output Signal color (optionally also the Control Signal color).

Actual Behavior

Hover-over text for Redstone Timer lists correct Pulse Interval. Output Signal is incorrect--the color displayed is the Control Signal color, not the Output Signal color (see photo attached).

This bug does not affect the expected operation of the timer, which does work properly despite the incorrect labeling.

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Example of the bug. Display text shows incorrect color for Output Signal (i.e. lists Control Signal color instead). In this case, Output Signal color should be reported as White, not Black. (This behavior is repeated regardless of which color is selected for the Control Signal)

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This diagram shows the settings of the above Redstone Timer, showing that Output Signal is set to White, and Control Signal is set to Black. Redstone Timer operates as expected with these settings.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Place Redstone Timer in world.
  2. Using Engineer's Screwdriver, set the Control Signal and Output Signal to be two different colors. Close settings.
  3. Hover over Redstone Timer while holding Engineer's Screwdriver in main hand.

Reproduced Result: Display text displays color of Control Signal with labeling of "Output Signal")

NB: See photos above in "Actual Behavior"

Debug Crash Log

Unable to generate crash log using F3+C. Sorry.
