Immersive Geology

Immersive Geology


World Generation - Ore Generation

muddykat-tech opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Ore Generation

Completion Requirements
A script that is able to generate a modifiable amount of Blocks/Ore that allows Biome and Layer exclusion or inclusion. Some ores need to be able to generate with an assigned mineral vein.
EG, when a suitable spot is found where one ore can spawn, their is a list of other blocks/ores/minerals that will also spawn near it.

Example ore functions to think about:

//A class for a mineral vein
MineralVein exampleVein = new MineralVein();
exampleVein.add(Block mineralBlock, float frequency, int minSize, int maxSize);
//this will generate the ore everywhere except the listed layers and biomes
OreGeneration.generateExclude(MineralVein vein, int dimensionID, int minSize, int maxSize, int frequency, List<Layer> excludeList, List<Biome> excludeList); 
 //this will generate the ore only within the listed layers and biomes
OreGeneration.generateInclude(MineralVein vein, int dimensionID, int minSize, int maxSize, int frequency, List<Layer> includeList, List<Biome> includeList);

Code Suggestions
A class for mineral veins that stores a list of blocks for a vein, the min and max size that it can spawn with and the frequency/rarity at which they spawn.