Immersive Geology

Immersive Geology


Sphalerite and Wolframite processing

UnSchtalch opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Used machines:
Crusher, Ore Separator, Reverb. Furnace, Industrial Blast Furnace, Vat, Crystalizer.

Crush ore chunks to get dirty crushed ore
Run dirty crushed ore through separator to get crushed ore
Roast crushed ore in reverberation furnace to get sulfuric gas and Fe-Zn oxide
Blast oxide in Industrial Blast Furnace to get pure iron ingots and Zn slag
Treat Zn in Vat slag with sulfuric acid to get Zn slurry
Run Zn slurry in Crystallizer to get Zn crystals. (Al electrode required)

Crush ore to get dirty crushed wolframite ore.
Run through Ore separator, to get crushed wolf. ore
Run though ore separator again, to get hubernite and ferberite ore (50% each)
Treat with hyrdrochloric acid in Vat to get W hydroxide and Mn slurry
Calcinate W hydroxide in Rotary Kiln to get W oxide
Blast W oxide with coke in industrial blast furnace to get W dust(!!)
Smelt W dust in Arc furnace to get ingots.
Treat Mn slurry with sulf. acid to get Sulf. Mn slurry
Run sulf. Mn slury through Electrolyzer to get Mn crystals.