Immersive Intelligence

Immersive Intelligence


[BUG] Packer deletes Items when q < 64

murban-git opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug
When you pack items in packer and the variable q is < 64, it packs the number of items in the package, but the inventory slot of the packer is empty, there where 64 items in the slot, then there was nothing

To Reproduce

  1. Build Packer
  2. Fill all slots with 64 Items
  3. Configure with "Data Input Machine" (c=1,m=0,q=16,i=false) [q and i should be default]
  4. chuck an valid storage Container in it (the tiny ones from the mod)

Expected behavior
16 Items in Package (thats ok)
48 Items in first slot in packer (thats empty)


  • OS: Windows
  • Minecraft version: 1.12.2
  • Forge version: latest
  • Immersive Intelligence version: latest
  • Immersive Engineering version: latest

I had a clear Test environment, only these two mods wher in it.


Fixed as a part of the Packer rework in 0.2.1