Immersive Intelligence

Immersive Intelligence


[BUG] Emplacement odd/broken system?

Carvercarver1 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


No welding sounds.

You cannot remove weapons from emplacement, even if you relog, short of actually breaking the emplacement physically. No rotato sound for it noted too.

It seems emplacement will only move out from bunker once you turn it off and on via redstone. Otherwise it will not come out after you changed weapon. Even then, sometimes it may not work. Or just INSTANTLY switch to deployment state skipping animation.
Weird shit is with Emplacements: it will seem to "fire" for a few seconds, and THEN proceed to reload. Autocannon at least. Or it fires during reload (reload anim playing) and fires when it should be reloading.
Same goes for reloading state.

It will also not let you to install it unless you install it once, relog, and try installing it a second time. Instead it will glitch out and display player inventory should you access the inventory of emplacement.

Sometimes emplacement targeting (direction) and actual direction where bullets fly do not match. It may aim for the one enemy but bullet fly onto another one, ESPECIALLY if they are very near the sentry.
I also noted a weird shit - it is slightly rotated more to the right when aiming at something it seems?