Immersive Railroading

Immersive Railroading


Create locomotive/stock/track permission system

cam72cam opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Taking inspiration from #789 and #632


Hey there. I'd like to chuck some of my mediocre permissions info into the mix.
Basically: Leaving the override for this permission system to OP only would cause some issues on servers, where 90% of the time, there's a permission plugin/mod at play. So a node for the override would be my recommendation.
Also, on the topic of rolling stock. Perhaps an item to lock it (obvious, I know). Then perm nodes for overriding access to various categories of stock (steam loco, diesel loco, cargo, passenger). I'd personally utilize the categorized perm nodes to create a train driver role/rank in a server.
As for a less grief-ready way, perhaps keep the category perms, but maybe a hook to allow specified perm groups/ranks to access a piece of stock from a new lock-menu GUI? Therefore it's more for individual stock, rather than every piece of stock in that category?

Thanks for reading, and I wish you a great day!


#205 also addresses this issue.

Even with these changes, however, there is still the possibility of griefing caused by players building track in obstructive places such as intersecting another player's track, building an overpass/underpass with insufficient clearance, or in another way that would cause unwanted interaction between the trains/track of different players.

One way to do this is by disallowing track construction outside of one's own claimed chunks. However if construction is limited to claimed chunks then it can easily lead to players cutting each other off with their territory claims, since they would need long, snakelike stretches of territory to maintain control of their track.

Another way would be to limit the number of chunks that can be claimed in contiguous areas and mandate a minimum configurable buffer of neutral territory between these different areas. This would allow players to build track in between these areas more freely. However, since IR isn't a chunk claiming mod/utility this idea would apply to such mods/utilities and not IR. It would also not prevent constructive griefing within these neutral buffer zones.

On the other hand such an idea can be applied to IR's tracks, using them as a form of land claim by themselves and/or in conjunction with a chunk claiming mod. Server owners could have the ability to create an area buffer around placed tracks and/or blueprints, preventing construction and/or alteration of the terrain by players other than the track owner within a specified up/down height and/or width from the track.