Immersive Railroading

Immersive Railroading


Switches not working under 10deg

LieutenantCatPaw opened this issue ยท 1 comments


When you set the amount of angles you can place track in (mine set to 40 instead of default 4). And place a switch with a lower turn radius than (I think 10) you can not switch the switch and the train will only go straight. (I think 10deg because 11.25 does work and 9 doesnt.)

Go to config and set AnglePlacementSegmentation to 40 instead of 4, (you can try something else but that is what im currently using). Place a switch with a radius of 10 or lower. Now if you place a lever next to it and power it the switch will do nothing.

The switch does not work and will only let trains go straight.

Mc version: 1.16.5, not tested in other version yet.

Immersive Posts
Immersive Engineering
Immersive Railroading 1.9 (Track API, Universalmodcore 1.1.2) (IDK pack by Autism, my own 760mm trains)
World Edit

extra: more of a suggestion, i would love to see better switch (models) like with a real moving bit and not just 1 part that goes lefy righty but more detailed, or just being capable to make such a thing with a pack.


same problem. mine is at 13.5 degree but it won't allow train to pass the switch