Immersive Railroading

Immersive Railroading


Track placement; from 16 to 32

Ash-0666 opened this issue ยท 10 comments


When placing track, namely custom curves and switches, you can place said track in one of sixteen different orientations along the XZ plane. This is great for getting those gentle curves in your switches for most of your longer locomotives, but it could be made even smoother by doubling the orientation count to thirty-two.

For instance, I prefer to utilize the Minecraft gauge. I've found that a track placement of thirteen long by three wide, utilizing four 22.5 degree switches convening at the center point, makes for a smooth crossover track. It's aesthetically pleasing, but by increasing the orientation count, you could construct longer switches that don't suffer from aesthetic hiccups due to track placement.

Perhaps I'm rambling, it is mostly an issue of aesthetics, but this would also allow for more advanced track placement, such as double-slip crossovers. Regardless, these are just my thoughts, what do you guys think?


I now realize it would probably be wise to mention that I utilize version 1.6.1_1.12-1138. Perhaps it holds no true weight, but on the off chance it does, then here you go.


So I've updated to the latest 1.12.2 update, yet I note that track placement is still restricted to 16 orientations along the XZ plane. My original suggestion still stands, although I now question if I've properly explained my concept...


You can increase it in the config


There is a config option in new versions that allow you to change the "orientations". AnglePlacementSegmentation = 8 will get you to 32


Thank you! That will be wonderful!


Update IR


Any version in particular?




your on a very old version


Got it, thank you!