Immersive Railroading

Immersive Railroading


Suggestion: A configurable list of Dimension IDs in which trains will not function.

NightScale5755 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Describe the suggestion
A clear description of what the suggestion is. This template is not for requesting additional models of locomotives, cars, or other rolling stock; those requests should be taken to the Immersive Railroading Discord channel under #suggestions.

Pretty self-explanatory. Just a DimensionID blacklist and/or whitelist, specified in the configs, in which locomotives won't start in. I.E. Diesels won't turn on, and Steamers won't ignite.

Applications of the suggestion
A description of what the suggestion is needed for, or how it would improve the gameplay experience.

Mostly for pack authors/realism addicts using mods like Galacticraft. As I highly doubt a steam train could function in space. Plus maybe when/if electrics get added, a config option to exclude those could be added?
Anyways, have a wonderful day!