Immersive Railroading

Immersive Railroading


Rail offset option

Bossk160 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


In the mean time while a turntable overhaul has yet start understandably, it would be useful to have an option that'll make turntable hacks easier, and actually doable. If we can have an option for the rails in the track's json where you can set the offset of where the trains wheels meet the rails, exactly how the coupler offset works, we could make railings and everything else necessary that requires the mesh to be above the rails. I know you can do this with RAIL_BED, although, that cannot work with turntables. So this can be a feature that's temporary that'll make a big difference for turntables while the overhaul update is in the works

This will make turntables work with more freedom of the model's dimensions, and it's a function that's already in the game, coupler offset.