Immersive Railroading

Immersive Railroading


Define an API

alexander-m-pusch opened this issue ยท 1 comments


It would be helpful for developers of IR addons to know which methods/classes can be safely relied upon without addons breaking when a small update gets pushed. This can be achieved through
a) a text file which outlines what may be used and what may not be used as an api,
b) a small summary of which methods have become incompatible through an update or
c) a separate "API" package which guarantees API stability (or, at least, backwards compatibility.)

This change would not affect the gameplay directly, but it would expedite the development of addons to IR.


This is a good idea, however I am not ready to "lock in" an API quite yet unfortunately. Many parts of IR are still in their infancy and many more changes are coming in the next year or two. I sympathize, but don't have a good solution at the moment.