Immersive Railroading

Immersive Railroading


Assorted suggestions

notsoimmersiverailroader opened this issue ยท 0 comments



Sanders: Locomotives now have a sand reserve, size defined by the modeler, that holds sand or red sand. Sand subs can be added in config. When active, sanders reduce wheelslip as they do in real life. Sand is used at a rate of 0.01 blocks per tick when sanders are active. This is scaled up or down depending on gauge.

Bendy switches: switches can be bendy instead of straight like the one below
bendy switch

Brake noises: When a locomotive is braking it plays a screeching brake noise the volume of the noise is dependent on how hard the locomotive is braking and the speed that it's braking


Abandoned railroads: in the wild players can come across abandoned pieces of railway infrastructure. (bridges, causeways, ect.)