Immersive Railroading

Immersive Railroading


Defining widget behavior in JSON/CAML

DankLondon opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Describe the suggestion
For widget/control group logic, being able to define it all in JSON/CAML, so more in depth behaviors can be defined.

Applications of the suggestion
The simplest application is having a lamp iron being optional, when the lamp iron is disabled make it so the lamp itself is locked to off. A more in depth application would be having sand* run out of the sandboxes. As sand is used it subtracts sand, and you can run out. The application here is that sand should be used when sandAmount > 0 && sanderOpened.

  • I know sanding isn't implemented yet, but it was the first example of using multiple variables to control one final output that came to mind.