Immersive Railroading

Immersive Railroading


Doors skipping animations in latest release candidate bug

WebSoak opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Describe the bug
Doors will, with a somewhat random chance skip the animation sequence and translate to their next position instead of animating while opening. Other doors out of main view will work, seemingly randomly. Occurs while reviewing replays, in spectator mode, and creative mode. Worked in previous builds. I discovered the bug while reviewing footage for a virtual railfanning video.
(REVISION) Also effects sound equipped stock, randomly will not play doorchime when opening them from the cab while not facing them
How to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the unwanted behavior:

  1. Place a full 10 car R160 consist, locate the cab.
  2. Open a door you're not facing and then look at the door (with door controls), it will with a random frequency bypass the animation sequence and just translate open. Always happens while reviewing replays of trains, which in my opinion is a one the main reasons to have animated doors on models. Did not occur in previous builds. Two videos are linked below depicting the bug in two different scenarios.
  3. Smash the keyboard

Expected behavior
The door properly runs through the animation.


All doors shown are under global control groups and would normally open together: One video shows the bug existing in creative mod, and another shows it more clearly in a replay


System Information
RTX 3070, Ryzen 3900x, 64GB RAM

Affects the replay mod
IR build: 1.12.2-forge-1.9.1-7e7516b

Provide the latest.log by going into your Modpack_folder/Logs, paste the contents of the file to an online service like and provide a link.

Additional context
Please fix :J Please and thank you


Same issue. Looks like it happens where more than 1 car only. I never experience it with a setup of 1 loc and 1 car.


Update IR and it's dependencies