Vivecraft exposed rendering glitch
shadowbolt79 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Tracks and items models all render fine while using IR with Vivecraft:
But the moment I place a train on the tracks everything begins to smear, and the pause menu double renders:
Issue persists even to the main menu screen, requiring a restart in order to fix:
This suggests there is an opengl state being changed in the entity renderer that is not being reverted to previous value, possibly dealing with depth.
If you want to attempt to tackle this issue, I will be available to test.
Does it happen with just steam locomotives or does it happen with the simpler models as well?
Looking through my code again, the only weird thing I do is render an entity when already inside a render entity. Can you try setting B:useShaderFriendlyRender=false?
Set down the pepper's hopper car and it did the same thing with 'B:useShaderFriendlyRender=false'