Immersive Railroading

Immersive Railroading


Add a "OpenComputers" mode to the detector augment

LizzyTrickster opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Would it be possible to get a mode for the detector augment similar to the locomotive control's OC mode?

Currently when using the detector for OC it still emits a redstone signal which can activate nearby switch track if too close and causes trains to be split.


Hi Lizzy,
You can use the OC Augment for detection :) Just set it up as a event handler.
See my tag-OC detector for a 'simple' example :)


That's what i'm doing, but the issue is that the detector still emits redstone signals when locos pass over it which triggers switch tracks


Right click on the augment with a redstone torch. It will change modes


I know it changes the mods, but the issue is that all the current modes (at least in IR 1.4.1 for mc 1.12) will output a redstone signal in some fashion.

A way I've just worked out to get around this is to set the detector to "stock" mode and told it to only match hand cars. It would still be nice to have a "No Redstone" mode for when exclusive use by OC computers is wanted.


Ah, my mistake. I thought I had added that at some point. I'll try to include it in the next release


Update: The setting of the detector to only match hand cars also affects the computer detection so that solution wont work :/


Thanks Cam :) (GitHub didn't show your update when i posted mine...)


You can try the test build here, the track system is still slightly in flux so you may see some issues before the next release: