Immersive Railroading

Immersive Railroading


Crash when rendering Conductor's Whistle in JEI

hayesj1 opened this issue · 7 comments


Forge Versions: 2838, 2836, 2831
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
IR Version: 1.6.1_1.12-1138
I get this crash log when the page containing the conductor's whistle is loading in JEI:

This was a client-side only crash, but I was playing on a dedicated server at the time. Latest.log appears to have nothing of value, and is almost 9k lines, but I can pastebin that too if necessary.




I also get this crash when placing a loco on the dedicated server


Upon reentering the world, if I login facing the loco, I get a frame or two then crash(I see the stock, bit the game freezes almost immediately). The loco I used was the Baldwin Consolidation from Legend’s American Steam pack. Turning off the Use VBO’s setting made no difference. Some brief Initial research suggests there might be a missing “if (GLUtil.isVBOEnabled()) {}” check somewhere.


I also have a hunch it might be a forge issue, but I’ll have to further test that when I have time


Nope, looks like a dedicated server issue. Singleplayer seems fine oddly, even with Use VBOs turned on


Scratch the above comment about VBO's making no difference, I am able to log in to the server crash free with them disabled. However, enabling VBO's causes a crash immediately, before even leaving the video options menu.


We probably need @Optional.Interface(iface = "mezz.jei.api.ingredients.ISlowRenderItem", modid = "jei") on a few of our items including this one.