Immersive Railroading

Immersive Railroading


Electric Trains

EpicPuppy613 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Add electric train support. Trains are powered by electricity by either internal batteries and rail charging stations or via electrified track. Powered like IR machines, a rail charger will electrify a electrified part of track or charge a train's battery. Electrified track would be a option when placing track, and takes either LV or MV cable. Depending on the type of cable, the rail charger will electrify a different amount of track. Powerlines could be suspended from the ceiling of tunnels, or posts overground.

Electrified track can also be done with a electrified third rail, such as in subways or metro systems irl.


Already on the to-do list.


Already on the to-do list.


Make as RealTrainMod, only good.