Immersive Railroading

Immersive Railroading


[1.12.2] Game Crash when Looking at Rail Block, Likely Related to WAILA

jdawg3636 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Describe the bug
Game crashes when looking at rail block. Obviously a conflict with another mod, guessing this was a result of the transition to Universal Mod Core but haven't tested on older versions.

How to reproduce
Take a rail from the creative tab, place it, and look at it. (See the additional context section at the bottom for more info)

System Information
OS: Windows 8.1

System Memory: 16GB

Allocated Memory: 10GB

CPU: AMD A8-6500

GPU: Integrated

IR-Version: ImmersiveRailroading-1.12.2-forge-1.8.0-7e0f82.jar

Forge-Version: forge-1.12.2-



Additional context
This crash was produced while connected to a dedicated server, tried to reproduce in singleplayer and crashed just by opening the creative tab (no taking it out or placing required). VanillaFix is installed and suggested that CodeChickenCore could be related to the crash, though given the error message in the original crash report I'm more inclined to blame WAILA.


Just tested on an older version with all of the other mods the same and it works just fine.

The pack is derived from this by the way if you're trying to reproduce the environment, only a few minor changes:
Updated CreativeCore and LittleTiles. Added AmbientSounds 3, jdawg3636's Bleach Mod, MalisisCore, MalisisDoors, Modular Powersuits, Pam's Harvestcraft, Streams, and Farseek.


The transition to modcore was actually in IR 1.7.0. 1.8.0 just moved UMC to a separate jar file.

Is that the latest version of Quark? IR 1.8.0 + certain versions of quark + some other yet to be isolated mod/mods cause a crash.


It's looking like a mod conflict. I'll spin this up locally today


I'm also having a similar issue with universal mod core, using mc eternal instead of mc eternal lite as my base modpack, although I somehow managed to get any mention of waila to disappear from the crash log, leaving just universal mod core

Crash Report:


I can also reproduce this issue by trying to assemble an IR machine using the large wrench