Immersive Weathering [FORGE]

Immersive Weathering [FORGE]


Disabling block_growths recipes throwing errors in log [minor]

Tander opened this issue ยท 0 comments


When I disable some effects of the mod by overwriting recipes with replacing recipe with {} (by datapack, it's vanilla way to disable recipes), i get in console this error:

Failed to read block growth JSON object for immersive_weathering:grass_block_sunflower_plains : No key owners in MapLike[{}]; No key growth_for_face in MapLike[{}]; No key replacing_target in MapLike[{}]; No key growth_chance in MapLike[{}]

It seems you're working with recipes in unconventional way (by file location and not by recipe type), because correct behavious should be a warning like this one:

Failed to parse recipe 'create:crafting/appliances/crafting_blueprint[unknown:type]'! Falling back to vanilla: Missing type, expected to find a string

(since indeed {} doesn't have type tag)

It may doesn't hurt anything right now, but it can be confusing for people who will try recipe system to modify or extend behaviour of the mod.