Immersive Weathering [FORGE]

Immersive Weathering [FORGE]


[SUGGESTION] Weathered & Rotten Wooden Planks

TrueVenomized opened this issue ยท 0 comments



Similar to how Brick Blocks can crack over time, it would be interesting if wooden planks could weather down over time as well. Similarly to how you can use Bricks to repair Cracked Bricks, you could also be able to make (in some way) Planks to repair the weathered Planks.

Additional info:

It would also be interesting if the weathered planks could weather even further, and become Rotten Planks. Rotten planks could break when you walk on them in a similar way to dripleaf, except instead of just drooping down and coming back up, they fully break. Additionally, if multiple rotten planks are adjacent to each other and one breaks, it could cause a chain reaction breaking every other adjacent rotten plank in the vicinity (maybe with a limited radius of like 4 or 5).
Rotten/Weathered Planks could also appear in zombie villages, just because it makes sense.
Maybe to prevent unwanted plank rotting, it could be that weathered planks has to be adjacent to water or moss or something like that, and then it will eventually turn into Rotten Planks (maybe the rotten wood would be like rusted iron where once it's at that level, there's no going back).