Immersive Weathering [FORGE]

Immersive Weathering [FORGE]


[Suggestion] Failsafe for "Missing texture"

AlienXtream opened this issue ยท 0 comments


i dont know the viability of this but having a failsafe fallback for modded leaves that dont work with the leaf piles and/or leaf particles would be nice. the way i (as an artist, not a programmer) imagine that working would be somehow selectively redirecting the "missing texture" to use the vanilla oak leaf ones. it may look a bit jaring, especially for leaves with "abstract" colours, but certainly less immersion breaking that a pink and black checker texture :P
again, i do not know how practical this is but if it is viable perhaps its something that might be worth considering? obviously its your call, it being your mod and all :)


If this feature has possible alternatives, such as different implementation methods, list them here.

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