Immersive Weathering [FORGE]

Immersive Weathering [FORGE]


Tetra incompatibility

JAWredstoneguy opened this issue ยท 1 comments


When right clicking a log with a tetra axe, the log does not drop a bark item. Right clicking on a crackable block with a tetra pickaxe will not crack the block, or drop a brick item.

Minecraft version:1.19.2
Immersive Weathering version:1.2.8
Moonlight Lib version:2.2.13
Fabric API / QSL / Forge version: Forge 43.2.0

Debug Modlist

To Reproduce:
Steps to reproduce the behavior. Format it as a numbered list of steps.

1.Install Tetra alongside Immersive weathering
2.Create a Tetra Axe/Pickaxe
3.Attempt to right click a log or crackable block with the corresponding tool

Expected behavior:
It is expected that the log would drop a bark item and that the crackable block should crack

Additional info:
I already brought this up with the Tetra developer, and he said that the issue was not on Tetra's end as it calls something called IForgeBlockState.getToolModifiedState.


Can confirm