Immersive Weathering [FORGE]

Immersive Weathering [FORGE]


1.20 forge crash

vivagabe opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Describe the bug:
Game fails to load

Versions: (BEFORE SUBMITTING A BUG REPORT, make sure you have the most up-to-date versions of Immersive Weathering, Moonlight Lib and Supplementaries) I have the latest versions of these
Minecraft version: 1.20.1
Immersive Weathering version: Beta
Moonlight Lib version: 2.8.77
Fabric API / QSL / Forge version:47.2.0

Other mods:

Even if the game does not crash they may be useful!
Please provide the following logs:
From .minecraft/logs : "latest.log" as well as "debug.log" if it exists. From .minecraft : "launcher_log" as well as a
file that starts with "hs_err" if it exists. Note: Double check that the logs are from the correct time. ex, don't give
us a log from a month ago because you forgot to check the date.

To Reproduce:
Start minecraft

Expected behavior:
minecraft to load up.



Additional info:
I think it may have something to do with Quark, which is in beta form at the moment. Also, i am using sinytra connector. Thank you!


Regions Unexplored does their mixin in an incompatible way

You will need to ask them to move away from things like Override and Redirect since those should be avoided at all cost

There is nothing Immersive Weathering can do here


My apologies (a Regions unexplored dev here). I made that mixin as more as a hacky way. Will look into fixing this ๐Ÿ‘


also, this seems to be a priority issue which either us of could resolve.

Mixin apply failed immersive_weathering-common.mixins.json:EatBlockGoalMixin -> org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.throwables.InvalidInjectionException @at("INVOKE") on net/minecraft/world/entity/ai/goal/EatBlockGoal::canEatRootedGrass with priority 1000 cannot inject into net/minecraft/world/entity/ai/goal/EatBlockGoal::m_8036_()Z merged by net.regions_unexplored.mixin.EatBlockGoalMixin with priority 1000 [PREINJECT Applicator Phase -> immersive_weathering-common.mixins.json:EatBlockGoalMixin -> Prepare Injections -> -> wrapOperation$zck000$canEatRootedGrass(Lnet/minecraft/world/level/block/state/BlockState;Lnet/minecraft/world/level/block/Block;Lcom/llamalad7/mixinextras/injector/wrapoperation/Operation;)Z -> Prepare]
org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.throwables.InvalidInjectionException: @at("INVOKE") on net/minecraft/world/entity/ai/goal/EatBlockGoal::canEatRootedGrass with priority 1000 cannot inject into net/minecraft/world/entity/ai/goal/EatBlockGoal::m_8036_()Z merged by net.regions_unexplored.mixin.EatBlockGoalMixin with priority 1000 [PREINJECT Applicator Phase -> immersive_weathering-common.mixins.json:EatBlockGoalMixin -> Prepare Injections ->

easiest solution would be adjusting the priority of said mixin's.


This issue should be resolved in the following regions unexplored version: ๐Ÿ‘ I've completely revamped the mixin in question, so if there are any issues related to this. Please tag me ๐Ÿ‘