Immersive Weathering [FORGE]

Immersive Weathering [FORGE]


Crash with Wilder Wild's Leaves

agent14bricks opened this issue · 3 comments


Describe the bug:
Game crashes upon trying to load leaf piles for Wilder Wild's Cypress trees.

Versions: (BEFORE SUBMITTING A BUG REPORT, make sure you have the most up-to-date versions of Immersive Weathering, Moonlight Lib and Supplementaries)
Minecraft version: 1.20.1
Immersive Weathering version: 2.0.1
Moonlight Lib version: 2.11.9
Fabric API / QSL / Forge version: Fabric 0.15.7

Other mods:
Over 300 mods... Don't judge. It works just fine outside of this crash.

Fabric Mods:
a_man_with_plushies: A Man With Plushies 3.0.2
abridged: Abridged 1.1.1
additionalstructures: Additional Structures 4.2.1
amarite: Amarite 1.0.8
ambientsounds: AmbientSounds 5.3.9
amendments: Amendments 1.20-1.1.1
antighost: AntiGhost 1.20-fabric0.83.0-1.1.5
aquatictorches: Aquatic Torches 1.0.1
aquifer: Aquifer 0.0.2-1.19.4+
architectury: Architectury 9.2.14
asteorbar: AsteorBar unspecified
attributefix: AttributeFix 21.0.4
authme: Auth Me 7.0.2+1.20
automobility: Automobility 0.4.2+1.20.1-fabric
axesareweapons: Axes Are Weapons 1.7.3
azaleawood: Azalea Wood Set 2.0.2-1.20.0
azurelib: AzureLib 2.0.20
badpackets: Bad Packets 0.4.3
balm-fabric: Balm 7.2.2
bclib: BCLib 3.0.14
beautify: Beautify 1.1.0+1.20
better_beacons: Better Beacons 2.0.0
better_end_sky: Better End Sky 0.2.1+1.20
bettercombat: Better Combat 1.8.4+1.20.1
betterdeserttemples: YUNG's Better Desert Temples 1.20-Fabric-3.0.3
betterdungeons: YUNG's Better Dungeons 1.20-Fabric-4.0.3
betterend: Better End 4.0.11
betterendisland: YUNG's Better End Island 1.20-Fabric-2.0.5
betterfortresses: YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses 1.20-Fabric-2.0.5
betterjungletemples: YUNG's Better Jungle Temples 1.20-Fabric-2.0.4
bettermineshafts: YUNG's Better Mineshafts 1.20-Fabric-4.0.4
betternether: Better Nether 9.0.10
betteroceanmonuments: YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments 1.20-Fabric-3.0.4
betterstrongholds: YUNG's Better Strongholds 1.20-Fabric-4.0.3
betterwitchhuts: YUNG's Better Witch Huts 1.20-Fabric-3.0.3
blendium: Blendium 1.0.1+mc1.20.x
blur: Blur (Fabric) 3.1.0
bookshelf: Bookshelf 20.1.9
borderlessmining: Borderless Mining 1.1.8+1.20.1
boss_music__mod: Boss Music Mod 1.0.0
bountiful: Bountiful 6.0.3+1.20.1
bowspambegone: Bow Spam Be-Gone! 1.0.0+1.20.2
bridgingmod: Bridging Mod 2.2.1+1.20.1
calmdowndog: Calm down, dog! 1.1.0
campfire_time: Campfire Time! 1.0.0
carryon: Carry On
cavedust: Cave Dust 1.4.1
centered-crosshair: Centered Crosshair 1.0.6+b2
cerbons_api: Cerbons API 1.1.0
charmonium: Charmonium 6.0.7
chat_heads: Chat Heads 0.10.31
chessmod: Ultimate Chess 1.1.3
chinesefestivals: ChineseFestivals 0.0.6+build.50
cleardespawn: Clear Despawn 1.1.15
cloth-config: Cloth Config v11 11.1.118
clumps: Clumps
collective: Collective 7.36
colorfulhearts: Colorful Hearts 4.0.4
combatroll: Combat Roll 1.3.1+1.20.1
comforts: Comforts 6.3.5+1.20.1
configurable: Configurable 1.2.2
controlling: Controlling For Fabric 12.0.2
coroutil: CoroUtil 1.20.1-1.3.7
cosmetic-armor: Cosmetic Armor 1.6.0
creativecore: CreativeCore 2.11.24
creeperoverhaul: Creeper Overhaul 3.0.2
cristellib: Cristel Lib 1.1.5
crop_marker: FullGrownCropMarker 1.20.4-1.2.0
cullleaves: Cull Leaves 3.2.0
currentgamemusictrack: Current Game Music Track 1.4
deathknell: DeathKnell 10.0.4
deeperdarker: Deeper and Darker 1.2.6
dehydration: Dehydration 1.3.5
distantfriends: Distant Friends 0.5.4
distractingtrims: DistractingTrims 2.0.3
do_a_barrel_roll: Do a Barrel Roll 3.5.1+1.20.1
doubledoors: Double Doors 5.2
dtdash: Double-Tap Dash 2.0.0-1.20.1
dungeons_arise: When Dungeons Arise 2.1.57
dungeons_arise_seven_seas: When Dungeons Arise: Seven Seas 1.0.2
dynmus: Dynamic Music 2.3.2+1.20
ears: Ears 1.4.6
easyanvils: Easy Anvils 8.0.2
easymagic: Easy Magic 8.0.1
elytra-trims: Elytra Trims 2.0.3
elytra_trinket: Elytra Trinket 1.0.3
elytrahud: ElytraHud 1.0.2
emi: EMI 1.1.2+1.20.1+fabric
emi_enchanting: EMI Enchanting 0.1.0+1.20.1
emi_loot: EMI Loot 0.6.5+1.20.1
emi_ores: EMI Ores 0.1+1.20.1
emiffect: EMIffect 1.1.2+mc1.20.1
emitrades: EMI Trades 1.2.1+mc1.20.1
emotecraft: Emotecraft
entity_model_features: Entity Model Features 1.2.3
entity_texture_features: Entity Texture Features 5.2.3
entityculling: EntityCulling-Fabric 1.6.2-mc1.20.1
equipmentcompare: Equipment Compare 1.3.8
eugenes_guan_dao: Eugene's Guan Dao 1.2.1
eugenes_horse_whistle: Eugene's Horse Whistle 1.0.1
everycomp: Every Compat 1.20-2.6.36
exordium: Exordium 1.2.1-mc1.20.1
expandeddelight: Expanded Delight
explosiveenhancement: Explosive Enhancement 1.2.2-1.20.x
extra-mod-integrations: Extra Mod Integrations 0.4.2+1.20.1
fabric-api: Fabric API 0.92.0+1.20.1
fabric-language-kotlin: Fabric Language Kotlin 1.10.18+kotlin.1.9.22
fabricloader: Fabric Loader 0.15.7
fallingleaves: Falling Leaves 1.15.4
fallingtree: FallingTree 4.3.4
farmersdelight: Farmer's Delight 1.20.1-1.4.3
faster_entity_animations: FastAnim 1.6
ferritecore: FerriteCore 6.0.1
findme: FindMe 3.2.1
fire_extinguisher: Fire Extinguisher 6.3.0
firstperson: FirstPerson 2.3.4
flowerymooblooms: Friends&Foes - Flowery Mooblooms 2.0.1
footprintparticle: Footprint Particle 0.5.1-mc1.20
forgeconfigapiport: Forge Config API Port 8.0.0
forgivingvoid: Forgiving Void 10.0.0
friendsandfoes: Friends&Foes 2.0.9
fullbrightnesstoggle: Full Brightness Toggle 4.0
fzzy_core: Fzzy Core 0.4.2+1.20.1
gear_core: Gear Core 0.3.7+1.20.1
gearifiers: Gearifiers 0.6.0+1.20.1
geckolib: GeckoLib 4 4.4.2
genshinstrument: Genshin Instruments 3.4
glore: Glowing ores 1.1.0
guarding: Guarding 2.4.0
guardvillagers: GuardVillagers 2.0.9-1.20.1
handcrafted: Handcrafted 3.0.6
hardcorerevival: Hardcore Revival 12.0.2
healpgood: Healing Pretty Good 1.3.1
heartcanister: Heart Canister 2.2b
horsearmorstandmod: Horse Armor Stand Mod 1.0.2-1.20.4
hwg: Happiness is a Warm Gun 2.0.1
iceberg: Iceberg 1.1.18
immersive_armors: Immersive Armors 1.6.1+1.20.1
immersive_melodies: Immersive Melodies 0.1.0+1.20.1
immersive_paintings: Immersive Paintings 0.6.7+1.20.1
immersive_portals: Immersive Portals 3.3.9
immersive_weathering: Immersive Weathering 1.20.1-2.0.1
immersivemc: ImmersiveMC 1.5.0-alpha1
immersivesnow: Immersive Snow 1.3.0
indium: Indium 1.0.27+mc1.20.1
infinite-music: Infinite Music 0.3.0
iris: Iris 1.6.11
ironchests: Iron Chests: Restocked 5.0.2
isnrmn: Item Suggestions Not Require Mod Name v1_03
itemborders: Item Borders 1.2.2
itemphysic: ItemPhysic 1.7.0
items_displayed: Items Displayed 1.2.2
java: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 17
jei: Just Enough Items
jeresources: Just Enough Resources
kambrik: Kambrik 6.1.1+1.20.1
kiwi: Kiwi Library 11.5.5
kleeslabs: KleeSlabs 15.0.0
landmines: Landmines 1.0.7+a
leahs-immersive-thunder: Immersive Thunder 1.20.1+1.2.2
legendarytooltips: Legendary Tooltips 1.4.4
lifesteal: Lifesteal 6.0.0
lightmanscurrency: Lightman's Currency 1.20.1-
linkart: Linkart 5.4.1-1.20.2
lithium: Lithium 0.11.2
loading-window: Loading Window 1.0.0
magistuarmory: Epic Knights Mod 7.11
make_bubbles_pop: Make Bubbles Pop Mod 0.2.0-fabric
marigolds: Marigolds 1.0.4-1.20.1
mcda: MC Dungeons Armors 5.0.1
mcdar: MC Dungeons Artifacts 4.0.1
mcde: MC Dungeons: Enchanting 1.5.7-1.20
mcdw: MC Dungeons Weapons 9.0.1
mcwbridges: Macaw's Bridges 2.1.0
mcwdoors: Macaw's Doors 1.1.0
mcwfences: Macaw's Fences and Walls 1.1.1
mcwfurnitures: Macaw's Furniture 3.2.2
mcwholidays: Macaw's Holidays 1.1.0
mcwlights: Macaw's Lights and Lamps 1.0.6
mcwpaintings: Macaw's Paintings 1.0.5
mcwpaths: Macaw's Paths and Pavings 1.0.4
mcwroofs: Macaw's Roofs 2.3.0
mcwtrpdoors: Macaw's Trapdoors 1.1.2
mcwwindows: Macaw's Windows 2.2.1
mes: Moog's End Structures 1.3-1.20-fabric
midnightlib: MidnightLib 1.4.1
minecraft: Minecraft 1.20.1
minecraftfunctioncompiler: Function Compiler 0.2.0-alpha.3
mns: Moog's Nether Structures 1.0-1.20-fabric
mobtimizations: Mobtimizations 1.20.1-1.0.0
modelfix: Model Gap Fix 1.14
moderate-loading-screen: Mod-erate Loading Screen 1.3.1
modmenu: Mod Menu 7.2.2
modmenu-badges-lib: ModMenu Badges Lib 2023.6.1
monsters_in_the_closet: Monsters in the Closet 1.0.3+1.20
moonlight: Moonlight 1.20-2.10.9
morebannerfeatures: More Banner Features 1.2.0
moyai: moyai 1.20-2.0.2
mr_banner_bedsheets: Banner Bedsheets 1.2
mr_dungeons_andtaverns: Dungeons and Taverns 3.0.3
mr_lost_libraries: Lost Libraries 1.1.1
mr_reimagined_trims: Reimagined Trims 1.0.3
mr_trims_expanded: Trims Expanded 1.3.0
mr_true_ending: True Ending: Ender Dragon Overhaul 1-v1.1.0a
mvs: Moog's Voyager Structures 4.1.1-1.20-fabric
mysticaloaktree: Mystical Oak Tree 1.20-1.11
naturalist: Naturalist 4.0.3
nicer-skies: Nicer Skies 1.3.0
niftycarts: NiftyCarts 3.0.1+1.20.1
nochatreports: No Chat Reports 1.20.1-v2.2.2
notenoughanimations: NotEnoughAnimations 1.7.1
notes: Notes 1.20.1-2.1.0-fabric
nyfsbp: Nyf's Banner Patterns 1.1.1
nyfsquiver: Nyf's Quivers 1.20.1-fabric-1.0.4
nyfsspiders: Nyf's Spiders 2.1.1
owo: oωo 0.11.2+1.20
parkour_thingies: Parkour Thingies 1.0.0+mc1.20.1
particle_core: Particle Core 0.1.2+1.20
particlemoths: Particle Moths 1.2.0+1.20.1
patchouli: Patchouli 1.20.1-84-FABRIC
pehkui: Pehkui 3.7.12+1.14.4-1.20.4
perfectaccuracy: Perfect Accuracy 1.3
petrifiedwood: Petrified Wood!
player-animator: Player Animator 1.0.2-rc1+1.20
polymer-bundled: Polymer 0.5.19+1.20.1
polymorph: Polymorph 0.49.1+1.20.1
portalgun: Portal Gun 6.0.1
presencefootsteps: Presence Footsteps 1.9.1
prism: Prism 1.0.5
puzzleslib: Puzzles Lib 8.1.17
pyrofrost: Pyrofrost 1.0.1
rare-ice: Rare Ice 0.6.0
realistic-campfires: Realistic Campfires 1.1.0
realisticsleep: Realistic Sleep 1.10.2+mc1.20-1.20.1
redstonepen: Redstone Pen 1.5.28
resourcefulconfig: Resourcefulconfig 2.1.2
resourcefullib: Resourceful Lib 2.1.23
rethinkingores: Rethinking Ores 1.0.1
sandwichable: Sandwichable 1.3.1+1.20.1
sawmill: Universal Sawmill 1.20-1.3.7
scarves: Scarves 1.3.0
screenshotuploader: ScreenshotUploader 1.1.0_1.19.3-4
seamless_loading_screen: Seamless Loading Screen 2.0.3+1.20.1
searchables: Searchables 1.0.2
seasons: Fabric Seasons 2.3+1.20
shouldersurfing: Shoulder Surfing Reloaded 2.8.1
simplemango: Simple Mango 1.3.2
sit: Sit 1.20-24
skinlayers3d: 3d-Skin-Layers 1.6.2
smartbrainlib: SmartBrainLib 1.13
smarterfarmers: Smarter Farmers 1.20-1.8.2
snowballkb: Snowball and Egg Knockback 1.3-1.20
snowdownessentails: Snowdown Essentails 1.0.1
snowrealmagic: Snow! Real Magic! 10.3.1
snowyleavesplus: SnowyLeavesPlus 0.1.9
snowysniffer: Snowy Sniffer Mod 1.0.0
snowyspirit: Snowy Spirit 1.20-3.0.6
sodium: Sodium 0.5.3
sootychimneys: Sooty Chimneys for Fabric 1.1.0
sound_physics_remastered: Sound Physics Remastered 1.20.1-1.3.1
speedometer: Speedometer Mod 1.3.1
sprinklerz: Sprinklerz 0.5
starlight: Starlight 1.1.2+fabric.dbc156f
supermartijn642configlib: SuperMartijn642's Config Lib 1.1.8+a
supermartijn642corelib: SuperMartijn642's Core Lib 1.1.17
supplementaries: Supplementaries 1.20-2.8.1
t_and_t: Towns and Towers 1.12
team_capes: Team Capes 1.0.0
tectonic: Tectonic 2.2
telepistons: Telepistons 1.1.3
terrablender: TerraBlender
tipsmod: Tips 12.0.5
tlc: The Lost Castle 1.0.1
todolist: Todo List 0.3.3
tooltipfix: ToolTip Fix 1.1.1-1.20
tooltipscroll: Tooltip Scroll 1.3.0
travelerstitles: Traveler's Titles 1.20-Fabric-4.0.2
trinkets: Trinkets 3.7.1
unlimitedbannerlayers: UnlimitedBannerLayers 1.1.0
variantfurnaces: Variant Furnaces 1.2.0
vectorientation: Vectorientation 1.1
videotape: Video Tape 1.2.1
villagernames: Villager Names 7.3
visuality: Visuality 0.7.1+1.20
visualworkbench: Visual Workbench 8.0.0
vivecraft: Vivecraft 1.20.1-1.1.7
voicechat: Simple Voice Chat 1.20.1-2.5.6
vr-combat: VR Combat 1.0.2
vrapi: mc-vr-api 3.0.7
wakes: Wakes 0.2.3
wandering_collector: Wandering Collector 1.2.1+mc1.20-pre5
waterdripsound: Drip Sounds 1.19-0.3.2
waveycapes: WaveyCapes 1.4.3
wawn: Where Are We Now? 1.0.0
way2wayfabric: Way2Way 0.0.6
waystones: Waystones 14.1.3
weaponmaster: YDM's Weapon Master 3.0.5
weapons_expanded: Weapons Expanded 1.4.3
wilderwild: Wilder Wild 2.3.2-Fabric+1.20.1
windchimes: Windchimes 1.2.4+1.20
wthit: wthit 8.7.2
xaerominimap: Xaero's Minimap 23.9.7
xaeroworldmap: Xaero's World Map 1.37.8
yet_another_config_lib_v3: YetAnotherConfigLib 3.2.2+1.20
yigd: You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.10
yosbr: YOSBR 0.1.2
yungsapi: YUNG's API 1.20-Fabric-4.0.3
yungsbridges: YUNG's Bridges 1.20-Fabric-4.0.3
yungsextras: YUNG's Extras 1.20-Fabric-4.0.3
zoomify: Zoomify 2.11.2

Even if the game does not crash they may be useful!

To Reproduce:
Steps to reproduce the behavior. Format it as a numbered list of steps.

  1. Get to a Wilder Wild forest.
  2. Have some leaves break
  3. Experience your crash

Expected behavior:
Either: A leaf pile to get generated, OR
A leaf pile to be avoided due to errors fetching.

None, can't document image-wise.

Additional info:
I never encountered this with their Baobab trees IIRC, But Cypress trees I do know crash. I would rather not have remove either mod.


After testing a bit on a creative world, it seems this doesn't happen? Which confuses me as the log file points to being unable to make a texture for it.


The crash occurs when the autogenerated leaf pile blocks for Wilder Wild's leaves try to play their ambient particle effect when floating on water.

To reproduce the crash, simply place a leaf pile block that IW generates from Wilder Wild on a water source and wait a second or two.


This also looks to happen with Blooming Nature Mod.
Here's the log: