Immersive Weathering [FORGE]

Immersive Weathering [FORGE]


Simple Farming's leaf piles make crash when rendering. Affect Just Enough Item display too

Altaire7 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Describe the bug:

  • In the creative menu, when scrolling in the category of natural blocks, passing over the leaf piles causes the game to crash, so I'm pretty sure this occurs when the game tries to render the leaf piles generated from Simple Farming, because of the second issue:

  • In Just Enough Item, having these items on the current page instantly and permanently changes all item images to "Error," even if I return to the game menu. I have to relaunch Minecraft to have Just Enough Item working again.

  • I'm not sure if it's related, but it seems that Minecraft cannot launch with these two mods alone. However, with others in addition, it works.

Minecraft version: 1.20.1
Immersive Weathering version: 2.0.2
Moonlight Lib version: 2.11.17
Forge version: 47.2.0

Other mods:


To Reproduce:

  1. Launch the game with at least Simple Farming and this mod (and possibly JEI)
  2. Open the creative or JEI menu and search for the leaf piles, especially those generated from fruit trees

Expected behavior:
Be able to use the search bar in the creative menu, but now there's a risk of a crash if the leaf piles appear. The same problem occurs with JEI, even if I can continue to play, but without any JEI item images.

Sent upper

  • After using Item Obliterator to remove thoses leaf piles of guis, I saw on of them on the floor, and I didn't crash. I screened this in case it could help you :
    Maybe the rendering error come from the fact that the leaf pile would show the fruit and not the leaves ?

Additional informations:
The mod Item Obliterator seems be able to solve the main issue by hidding the leaf piles of the guis
I am not a native English speaker, so there are maybe some errors in my bug report. I'm sorry for that.