Fabric 1.19 generatorsConfig not functioning properly
mosharky opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Setting fluvisolFeature
to false didn't disable the fluvisol blocks from generating. I can do further testing if the issue's exclusive to my modlist
all worldgen configs need to be enabled or disabled before the creation of the world, changing them after that wont prevent new ones from generating.
I've created two new singleplayer worlds with that config option disabled and that block still generates. Unless if there's something wrong with my config, I don't know why this would happen. This is my config file:
"blockGrowthConfig": {
"blockGrowth": true,
"blockCracking": true,
"blockMossing": true,
"blockRusting": true
"leavesConfig": {
"fallingLeafParticles": false,
"leafDecayPiles": true,
"leafDecayParticles": true,
"leafDecaySound": true,
"leafPilesForm": true,
"leafPilesConvertBlockBelow": true,
"leggingsPreventThornDamage": true,
"composterDropsDirt": true,
"mulchGrowsCrops": true,
"featherFallingFarmer": true
"fireAndIceConfig": {
"fireCharsWood": true,
"campfiresCreateSoot": true,
"lightningCreateMagma": true,
"lightningCreateLava": true,
"lightningCreateVitrifiedSand": true,
"flammableCobwebs": true,
"freezingWater": true,
"freezingWaterSeverity": 200,
"permafrostFreezing": true,
"freezingPermafrostSeverity": 200,
"icicleFreezing": true,
"freezingIcicleSeverity": 300,
"thinIceFormation": true,
"thinIceMelting": false,
"glassFrosting": true,
"grassFrosting": true,
"naturalIceMelt": true,
"iciclePlacement": true
"generatorsConfig": {
"allGenerators": true,
"mossBurning": true,
"basaltGenerator": true,
"deepslateGenerator": true,
"graniteGenerator": true,
"andesiteGenerator": true,
"dioriteGenerator": true,
"tuffGenerator": true,
"blackstoneGenerator": true,
"magmaGenerator": true,
"terracottaGenerator": true,
"vitrifiedSandGenerator": true,
"cryingObsidianGenerator": true,
"iceGenerator": true
"itemUsesConfig": {
"cauldronWashing": false,
"pistonSliming": true,
"soilShearing": true,
"azaleaShearing": true,
"mossShearing": true,
"mossBurning": true,
"charredBlockIgniting": true,
"shovelExtinguishing": true,
"spongeRusting": true,
"pickaxeCracking": true,
"axeStripping": true,
"axeScraping": true
"worldgenConfig": {
"icicleFeature": true,
"cryosolFeature": true,
"humusFeature": true,
"rootsFeature": true,
"fluvisolFeature": false, // the only change I've made
"siltFeature": true,
"lakebedFeature": true,
"vertisolFeature": true,
"oakLeavesFeature": true,
"darkLeavesFeature": true,
"birchLeavesFeature": true,
"spruceLeavesFeature": true