


Properly Do a Single `endBatch`

hammy275 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


We endBatch way too much, and should be doing it once. If we need to split certain renders off to other passes, we can hold onto them in structures in AbstractImmersiveInfo, which are then gone do after the regular batch is done.

I've tried this before, but basically went back on it due to many issues with shaders and Optifine with general. Now that I know what to look out for, I can do this and know if I've messed up before release and bugfix accordingly


Looks like we mainly only do endBatch() for each immersive for item guides to work.

We can queue up the item guides to be rendered later, so all of the immersives render, then all of the item guides later.


Nevermind, I do a lot more endBatch()ing then I thought. Time to get all of them removed except the two that should be needed total (hopefully)