Improved Damage Framework

Improved Damage Framework


[Suggestion] Per-Material config

Derpford opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I was looking at #6 earlier, and had an idea to make it easier to configure values for toolsets: Being able to set default values for weapon materials, and then setting anything that differs in the item-specific configs. So, for example, instead of doing:

  "minecraft:golden_sword": {
    "Bonus Durability": 68,
    "Damage Class": "slash",
    "Ranged?": false,
    "Thrown?": false,
    "Offense Stats": {
      // ...
    "Defense Stats": {
      // ...
    "Auxiliary Stats": {
      "Max Health": 0.0,
      "Movement Speed": 0.0,
      "Luck": 0.0
// repeat for literally every item

You could have an entry under a materials.json that has most of these details--i.e., setting the base Force value of golden items at, let's say 3--and then the Gold Sword just needs to record that it uses "Material" : "Gold", and that it has "Damage Class" : "Slash", and then you set its "Force" : 2.0 in the Item Multipliers--at which point you get the base stats from the material and then apply the multiplier to get this weapon's actual value. (For the golden weapon set, if their material's base Force was 3, the Axe would have a multiplier of 2.5, the Hoe would have 1.0, the Pick would have 1.16 repeating, and the Shovel would have 1.6 repeating.)

This would be more work upfront, but it would make adding a new tool set to IDF significantly easier, because 90% of the stats for a weapon are defined by what material it's made of. It wouldn't help much with unique items, like most of the Mahou Tsukai weapons, but it'd be a real time-saver over the long term for most mods. It would also make implementing weapons that are added to existing tool tiers easier--because you can just borrow the existing stats for that material, and adjust the multipliers accordingly.


preset system added in 0.3.0 ๐Ÿ‘