Directions on how to compile
Ocraftyone opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Would you be able to provide more information on how to compile this. I know that you can use gradlew build but i am unsure how to correctly use the sodium source code with your code
all you need to do is run gradlew build
if on windows or ./gradlew build
on mac/linux
i am unsure how to correctly use the sodium source code with your code
sodium and this mod are separate mods
you just need to compile the 1.16.x/next branch of sodium (the stable branch/releases won't be enough) and compile this mod seperately, then put both .jar files in your mods folder
Precompiled builds of Indium are available from Github Actions - just click the latest run then download and extract the build-artifacts file.
Firstly, this is not specific, and we cannot have any idea what has gone wrong. Many things could have gone wrong, most notably that you need to install a JDK, and that the command is different if you use Windows, or if you use a UNIX-based system (e.g. Linux or MacOS). Secondly, if you do not know how to compile, you can use GitHub Actions.