Inductive Logistics

Inductive Logistics


Ender IO existing item filter

knowfear1337 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


What I did:

Ender io existing item filter in a conduit attached to an XL item buffer

What happened:

on taking a snapshot to get the items, not all of them are shown, even when its less than enough single different items to fill a vanilla double chest

What should have happened:

to see one of every item shown in the filter

Used Versions:

  • Minecraft-1.12.2
  • InductiveLogistics-1.2.1
  • CD4017BE_lib-6.2.3
  • Forge-
  • Ender IO

mentioned it on the Ender IO Discord

[1:15 AM] KNOWFEAR: not sure if this really counts as a bug but the existing item filter doesn't seen to work properly with the item buffers from "Inductive Logistics", it shows sees some items but not all of them, even if there are less than enough different items to fill a double chest, we fixed the filter by using a double chest with a single item of each in but taking a snapshot of an item buffer dosnt work,
[1:15 AM] EpicSquid: Possibly means they aren't using capabilities correctly


By the way as temporary fix: If you use the internal Item type locking feature of the Buffer and adjust the slot limit to remove the unused empty slots you probably won't need the Existing Item Filter anymore.