Industrial Foregoing

Industrial Foregoing


[1.16] Laser Drill JEI Integration uses a Forge multiplayer screen icon, interfering with some resource packs.

Vaelzan opened this issue ยท 0 comments


(mod versions not listed since I'm referring to the GitHub source code directly)

Relevant line of code is here:

Minecraft.getInstance().getTextureManager().bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("forge", "textures/gui/icons.png"));

This normally isn't a problem for most players since the default resources are fairly simple shapes, but our custom modifications to the multiplayer screen also get applied to the JEI display for the laser drill, which in our case results in some confusion for players since it's no longer a cross. Since these icons are intended to represent server compatibility (in the case of the laser drill JEI integration, the "Bad, FML" icon), they probably shouldn't be used elsewhere.