Industrial Foregoing

Industrial Foregoing


Ore Processor not accepting many kinds of ore

Saklad5 opened this issue · 4 comments


Industrial Foregoing Version: 1.6.6 (1.12.2-1.12-2)
TeslaCoreLib Version: 1.12-1.0.12 (1.0.12)

The Ore Processor is one of the only ways to automatically Fortune ores, and I don’t know of any other way that doesn’t involve placing blocks in the world. Unfortunately, it seems that the list of valid ores is incredibly limited, as I have confirmed the following cannot be inserted in the Direwolf20 1.12-1.7.1 modpack:

  • Dimensional Shard Ore (RFTools)
  • Ender Draconium Ore (Draconic Evolution) (Oddly enough, Draconium Ore works fine)
  • Aquamarine Shale (Astral Sorcery) (Bizarrely, it also cannot be broken down by a Refined Storage Destructor with a Fortune Ⅲ upgrade, but can be broken manually with a Fortune tool)

This is extremely irritating, as there is no way of seeing what is supported and what isn’t.

I don’t really understand why there is a limit on the blocks that are accepted at all, honestly. Just accept all items that can be placed, and emulate breaking them with Fortune Ⅲ the same way you do now.


Can you check if those blocks have an oredictionary entry?


Ah, I see part of the problem. You’re filtering for OreDictionary entires that start with 'ore', I assume, and for some reason Nether Draconium and Ender Draconium does not have an entry despite being the same block ID with a different damage value. Dimensional Shard Ore does not have an entry at all. I might have to go bug those mod authors about that if they don’t already know.

Aquamarine Shale, however, does have an entry as oreAquamarine.


Aquamarine Shale is using a Deprecated method to get the drops from and should be change to the method Block#getDrops(NonNullList<ItemStack> drops, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, int fortune)


That explains why the Refined Storage Destructor wasn’t working. Thanks. In that case, it seems like this is all the fault of other mods. I’ll close this issue.