Industrial Foregoing

Industrial Foregoing


Plant Gatherer Won't Harvest Wood With Range Upgrade

PessimisticBastard opened this issue ยท 20 comments


Industrial Foregoing Version: 1.12.2-1.8.2-121
TeslaCoreLib Version: 1.12-1.0.12
Crashlog (If Any): N/A

The plant gather I'm using seems to be having issues harvesting trees when the range upgrade is in it. If I take the range upgrade out of the machine, let it start gathering, then put the upgrade back in, it will harvest all the wood in range. Have to keep taking it out and putting it back in to make it work.


Just to make sure, is the area protected?


I have the chunk claimed with FTB Utilities, but that hasn't stopped it from working before. This is just a singleplayer world, if it makes any difference.


Check if the FTBU Fake player setting is allowed


Where would that be under?


On the gear in the top left of your inventory


There doesn't appear to be a setting for fake player under any of the tabs. Server settings just says PVP, Badges, and Team Notification.


Can I get some pics of your setup?


It might be the same issue try the version out


Appears to be fixed, at least I didn't get any stalls from relogging into a different world and back again, Aroma's mining world portal and Compact Machines where V121 has a near 100% failure rate.


Issue's closed, but I thought I should say that it appears to have fixed the issue. Nice going!


I have the same problem. Trees are not being gathered. When I remove the range upgrade and instantly put it back it starts working again but it seems slower than before. But after a while it stops gathering again...
Area is chunk loaded.
I was on version 117 before updating to the latest.


I need pictures of your setups please!


Sorry, I was busy all of yesterday. Here's a picture:

Funnily enough, if I take out the range card, it starts collecting at the back.


Can you show me the working area of it?


I found the issue! Dont panic!


Not sure if this is the same problem, but as of V121 the Plant Gatherer breaks when dimension hopping, at least via Compact Machines. The chunks are claimed and loaded by a ChickenChunks chunkloader, everything works fine in V120.

Might be a recurrence of #185 or similar issues.


Working area?


What do you mean by break KITbutler do they stop working when you are not in the dimension?

Can you try this version out @PessimisticBastard


As in the previous issue the machine seems to eternally run in an "idle" state flickering between 0 and 3 RF/t as if there were no valid targets in range. Breaking and replacing the machine fixes it temporarily.

I have not checked my harvest while in a different dimension, this is only the state I find them in after returning.


Issue is fixed but the surrounding area wood collection is rather lackluster. This is what my wood farm's surroundings look like now:
Previously it cleared all this.